Book Dungeon Team

Editor and Owner
Anne J. Hill
Anne J. Hill is a self-taught developmental, line, and copy editor. She has edited and beta read over 25 novels.
Anne J. Hill is an author who enjoys writing fantasy for all ages. Her love of words has led to her career as an editor and content writer. She runs Twenty Hills Publishing with the help of her circus performing best friend, Lara E. Madden. She spends her days dreaming up fantastical realms, researching ways to get away with murder…for her books, arguing over commas at the kitchen table, talking out loud to the characters in her head, promising her housemate that she isn't, in fact, crazy, and rearranging her personal library—affectionately dubbed the “Book Dungeon.”

Developmental and Line Editor
Lara E. Madden
Meet Lara E. Madden. She focuses primarily on developmental and line editing, and anything else Anne throws at her. She's Anne J. Hill's right-hand woman. She's helped with numerous edits for our anthologies. She also fire dances, contact juggles, and does an array of other crazy things. We like to call her a one-woman circus.
She might be crazy—the jury’s still out—but Lara E. Madden would consider herself to be widely fascinated, with an affinity for wonder. She is madly in love with Jesus, with storytelling, and with the tribe of colorful characters that is her family and friends. When her feet are on the ground, she lives in Lancaster, PA with her wonderful roommate, Anne J. Hill, without whom she would likely never finish any project she starts. She is a novelist at heart but is currently focused on creating short fiction as she hones her writing craft. You can find her on Instagram (@lara.e.madden), Facebook (Lara Madden), or at her blog,, which she updates only very sparingly.

Line and Copy Editor
Crystal Grant
Meet Crystal Grant, one of our line and copy editors!
Fun facts:
I'm published in @gohavok's Season Six: Casting Call. I'm a homeschool graduate who then went to teach public school for 15 years. I love anything with fur or feathers and some with scales. I have written everything from fantasy to romantic suspense to children's stories. I typed my first novel out on a typewriter.
Crystal Grant grew up LOVING books and stories and sometimes spent more time in her imaginary worlds than the real one. She spent fifteen years teaching first grade and shared her love of books with her students. Recently, she’s had three stories published through Havok Publishing and a poem in the What Darkness Fears anthology, and does a little freelance editing on the side. Currently, she has an epic fantasy out on submission. She spends her spare time writing, watching old movies and TV shows, or reading books that sweep her away to another time and place.

Developmental and Line Editor
Hannah Carter
Meet Hannah Carter! She's one of our developmental and line editors. Author of the Atlantis Trilogy, Saltwater Souls, and numerous short stories.
Fun facts about Hannah:
❣ I’ve been to Hong Kong and sang on the streets as a “busker.” I sang songs in Mandarin and Cantonese.
❣ I taught ESL to kids in China virtually.
❣ My favorite drink is Earl Gray tea.
❣ My favorite type of food is Thai or Japanese.
❣ I’m an INFP, Ravenclaw, Enneagram 4.
❣ I was on the Little League Softball All-Star Team as 1st baseman, and we went to the state championships—and got our butts handed to us in the first round, but it was still fun.

Line and Copy Editor
Ellaina Ruse
Meet Ellaine Ruse, one of our line and copy editors!
Though she calls many places home, Ellaina Ruse currently lives in Morenci, Michigan. As a full-time student, Ellaina is studying at Cornerstone University for a bachelor’s degree in creative writing with a minor in Publishing. Ellaina discovered a natural, God-gifted love for words and storytelling at an early age. From directing plays with her four younger siblings to writing her first books, Ellaina has developed her passion for stories into a career. When she was homeschooled, her favorite homework centered around spelling and grammar. Now in college, she enjoys writing for classes and editing for classmates. Ellaina’s favorite genres are romantic historical, regency, or contemporary fiction and fancy. When she’s not writing, studying, or working at BIGGBY; Ellaina loves to read, post on bookstagram, get outdoors, visit her family, run, listen to music, watch movies, and try new things. Ellaina strives to serve the Lord and reach others with love through her writing.
A few fun facts:
~ I own a painted turtle named Shimmer.
~ I lived in Papua New Guinea for two years.
~ I have a minor coffee and tea obsession.

Copy Editor
Sarah Harmon
Meet Sarah Harmon, one of our copy editors! She deals with all those pesky grammatical errors.
Some fun facts about her:
I've had an irrational hatred of typos since approximately the age of 6. I spend half my year in Washington, DC and the other half based in Paris but often wandering off to other countries on little adventures. I speak English and French fluently, but I can also get by in Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian. I know bits and pieces of about a dozen other languages. My response as an 11-year-old to my mother saying I couldn't watch Titanic yet was to research and start writing my own novel about it.

Moriah Chavis
Meet Moriah Chavis. She is one of our developmental, line, and copy editors.
Moriah is the author of Heart of the Sea, a YA fantasy coming late summer 2023, and a two-time graduate from the University of South Carolina. She holds a Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts and a Master’s in Library and Information Science. You can find her perusing bookstores attempting to persuade strangers to read her favorite books, oscillating between watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy (her husband’s favorite) or Harry Potter (hers), and keeping her books from the clutches of her two feisty cats.

Editor and Beta Reader
Maseeha Seedat
Meet Maseeha Seedat. She helps with anything from beta reading to editing.
Born and raised in South Africa, Maseeha Seedat takes inspiration for her stories from the most memorable moments of her life. She’s a full-time student and a part-time writer, with her first novel, The Littlest Voices, published a year after her publishing debut short story with Twenty Hills. Her writing ranges from the fun and whimsical to the dark and serious, most of the time settling somewhere in the middle. When she’s not writing, Maseeha can be found surrounded by her family and friends, or clawing her way toward a degree in physiotherapy.

Editor and Beta Reader
Anna Augustine
Meet Anna Augustine. She helps with anything from beta reading to editing.
Anna Augustine has always loved telling stories that speak truth and hope into the lives of her readers. When her mom made her write a short story in sixth grade, she was hooked and has never looked back. She is author of the Allura novels, the Taletha series, and the upcoming contemporary romance series—Accidental in Love. When she’s not writing, Anna can be found working on marketing graphics, hanging out with her family of eight, taking photos for her bookstagram, or trying to put a dent in her never ending TBR.

Editor and Beta Reader
Natalie Noel Truitt
Meet Natalie Noel Truitt. She helps with anything from beta reading to editing.
Natalie Noel Truitt is an aspiring Christian author who spends her days working at the library and adding more books to her to-be- read list. She is often on her front porch drinking coffee, reading a good book, and hanging out with her cat.

Blurb and Query Editor
AJ Skelly
Meet AJ Skelly. She is our query and book blurb editor. Skelly is the best selling author of The Wolves of Rock Falls series, and several short stories. She owns and runs Quill and Flame Publishing House @quill.and.flame.publishers. She runs book tours and a bookish shop and a million other things we're probably missing.
AJ Skelly is an author, blogger, and lover of all things fantasy, medieval, and fairy-tale-romance. And werewolves. She has a serious soft spot for them. As an avid life-long reader and a former high school English teacher, she’s always been fascinated with the written word. She lives with her husband, children, and many imaginary friends who often find their way into her stories. They all drink copious amounts of tea together and stay up reading far later than they should.

Poetry Editor
Elaine Wells
Meet Elaine Wells, our Poetry Queen. Most of our poetry edits will end up in her hands when she's available. She has edited most of Twenty Hills poems and was entrusted with choosing many of the poems in their anthologies.
Elaine Wells is an young adult crazy cat lady, and an aspiring author with a poet’s heart. Her poetry portrays her truth-seeking attitude. Some of her favorite poets include Edgar Allen Poe and Emily Dickinson, while drawing inspiration from Olivia Gatwood. She has a passion for writing about mental health, and she also loves photography, good books, deep conversations, and soft blankets.

Beta Reader
AudraKate Gonzalez
Meet AudraKate Gonzalez. She's beta read several books for Twenty Hills Publishing, and various other books.
AudraKate Gonzalez started writing horror stories when she ran out of Goosebumps books to read as a child. Her love for horror grew and now she has a BA in Creative Writing and is working on her MFA. Her YA/Horror Series, This is Noir, is available now wherever you buy your books. She lives in Ohio with her handsome husband, and her adorable furry bad boys, Zero and Scrappy Doo. When AudraKate isn't writing, you can find her reading, watching scary movies or sleeping.

Voice Actor & Narrator
Magnus Carlssen
Meet Magnus Carlssen, voice actor and narrator. If you're looking for someone to narrate your short story or full length novel, he's your man.
After a self-described "mid-life crisis at 32" following the arrival of his second child, Magnus pivoted his life-long love of fantastical literature and movies, and a decade working behind the cinema camera, into a new frontier: the recording studio. The home-schooled son of an English major and a software engineer, Magnus' wholeheartedly earnest and down-to-earth mentality brings an easy approachability to his exploration of story and character.
Deeply invested in telling meaningful stories since his late teens, Magnus has spent fifteen years occupying nearly every department of video and audio production. His love of storytelling remained constant throughout, and is the driving force behind producing The Nebulous Saga. In between power naps, he continues to produce The Havok Story Podcast @gohavok, and play principal roles in audio fictions such as The Madness of Chartrulean, The Storm Chasers, Gather The Suspects, and others.

Voice Actor & Narrator & Artist
Trista Shaye
Meet Trista Shaye, voice actor and narrator. If you're looking for someone to narrate your short story or full length novel, she's your woman. She also does character art, illustrations, and maps.
Having a long history in theater and indie film, Trista Shaye knows the importance of becoming a character to bring them to life for the listener's enjoyment. Trista is an award winning narrator who has produced over one-hundred audiobooks. She is also the voice of a superhero in SuperSonic PodComics,The Randoms; the voice of Nirvana Page in the audio drama podcast adaption of the webcomic, Sithrah. She is also launching her own audio drama podcast which she wrote, directed, produced, and acted in; and is always working to expand her repertoire.
Listening to your input as the client is one of her top priorities - making sure you get what you want is important to her. Trista Shaye is a lively, vivid voiceover artist who is always ready to listen to your input and produce your product in a timely, professional fashion.

Voice Actor & Narrator
Tasha Kazanjian
Meet Tasha Kazanjian, voice actor and narrator. If you're looking for someone to narrate your short story or full length novel, she's your woman.
She has narrated The Never Tales: Volume One, and done voice acting for book trailers.
Tasha Kazanjian is currently pursuing her masters in clinical counseling and writes fantasy to escape APA citations. She loves losing herself in books, especially very old ones that smell strongly of ink and dust, and has been known to disappear into used book shops for hours at a time. Tasha’s writing process usually involves stacks of historical nonfiction, a hundred index cards stuck up on her wall, and copious amounts of coffee, tea, and colored pens.