Book Dungeon Editing
To inquire about an editing service, tap on the service to email us. Make sure your email includes the length of your manuscript, the genre, the targeted age group, if your book includes swearing or on-page sexual content, and what month you need it done. If we do not have a service listed that you need, or a price range inside of your budget, reach out for a customized quote. Click here for your custom quote.
If you hire us for editing, we will pick the editor who best fits your manuscript and is available. If you would like to request a specific editor, you may, but that doesn't guarantee they will be available. Click here to see our editors.
We edit using Google Docs, or Word. For most of the services, we charge 50% up front and 50% when the job is done, unless otherwise stated. For payments, we accept PayPal, CashApp, Zelle, Cash or Check by Mail, and Venmo may be an option if necessary. For every service, there will be a contract signed to help everything run smoothly and professionally.