Short and Sweet Reading Reviews
Indie/Small Press Books
"I really enjoyed this book. Finally, a totally clean werewolf book that is just as good as its counterparts! I'm so excited to read book 2. I liked the tension throughout the book, and while you know how parts of it will end, or you hope you do, it doesn't take away from the journey to get there." - Anne J. Hill
"I loved this book. It has all my favorite story elements. Fantasy. Serial killers. Family dynamics. Foster care. Crime. It was so good. I highly recommend it. It's an easy, fast read, and so worth it!" - Anne J. Hill
"This is easily one of my favorite reads of the year so far. Sarah is a queen at gripping your emotions and not letting go until you close the book....and then forever after. This is by far my favorite of hers that I've read. She is fantastic at writing romance books that include more than a love story. You get to watch each character grow, learn things, and make hard choices. I love how this book is romance but with a heavy slice of life thrown in there. As someone who's dealt with grief a lot the last several years and losing loved ones, this book was so powerful for me." - Anne J. Hill

"The characters are fascinating and it is well written. Stock does an excellent job at evoking emotion and attaching you to the characters. The imagery is superb. I haven't personally read many books featuring centaurs and was thrilled to see them here. It ends with you thirsting for more. Without giving too much away, I highly recommend reading Stock's debut novel!"
- Anne J. Hill
"I enjoyed this book more than I expected to. I desperately want book two now. It's very well paced, engaging, and well written." - Anne J. Hill
"I don't know what to say about this book, honestly. I can't put it into words. To say it was amazing seems too shallow. I cried. I laughed. I fell in love. It hit home on so many levels. Beautiful. Just beautiful." - Anne J. Hill
"Once again, Trista Shaye has delivered an exciting kitty tale. I think this might have been my favorite so far, but I'm biased towards fantasy and adventures. I highly recommend this novel, for young and old alike. There are so many critters other than cats in this book too."
- Anne J. Hill

"I did a developmental edit for the book that takes place after this novella, so I had a lot of fun seeing things played out from Seth's point of view. (Can we just take a moment to appreciate Seth?) Thornhill is a talented author, and this novella is a well-crafted introduction to her world." - Anne J. Hill
"An absolutely beautiful book of poetry fighting for the sanctity of life." - Anne J. Hill
"A very interesting beginning to the series. I definitely plan to read the rest. If you like Little Red Riding Hood retellings, this is for you!" - Anne J. Hill

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"As a writer myself, this book is beyond inspirational. I don't know whether to cry with joy, or shout with excitement in response to the ending. I don't mark up books, unless I buy them specifically to do so. This book has ONE marking, and may have more if I were to go back and re-read it, which I'm sure I will someday. And that means volumes of praise from someone who will not mark up books! This is beautiful." - Anne J. Hill